Chromebook in doua arome

Daca tot am scris despre Cloud Computing pus la cale de Google, iaca si datele de ultima ora oferite pentru cei interesati.

Asadar, pentru amatori se pun la dispozitie doua modele:

Acer Chromebook

11.6″ HD Widescreen CineCrystalTM LED-backlit LCD
2.95 lbs. | 1.34 kg.
6 hours of continuous usage
Intel® AtomTM Dual-Core Processor
Built in dual-band Wi-Fi and World-mode 3G (optional)
HD Webcam with noise cancelling microphone
High-Definition Audio Support
2 USB 2.0 ports
4-in-1 memory card slot
HDMI port
Fullsize Chrome keyboard
Oversize fully-clickable trackpad

Samsung Series 5 Chromebook

12.1″ (1280×800) 300 nit Display
3.26 lbs / 1.48 kg
8.5 hours of continuous usage 1
Intel® AtomTM Dual-Core Processor
Built in dual-band Wi-Fi and World-mode 3G (optional)
HD Webcam with noise cancelling microphone
2 USB 2.0 ports
4-in-1 memory card slot
Mini-VGA port
Fullsize Chrome keyboard
Oversize fully-clickable trackpad

Modelul de la Acer costa $349 in timpul in care modelul de la Samsung va costa $499, banii pe care Google ii vrea in avans! In ce privesc tipurile de abonamente se pare ca pentru inceput se propun 2 variante, student 240$/an (20$/luna) si bussiness pentru care pretind 336$/an (28$/luna). De asemenea pentru oricare din aceste abonamente, perioada minima contractuala impusa de Google este de 3 ani. Modelele de baza nu vor contine modul 3G integrat si nici in abonamentele de baza acest serviciu nu este inclus! Evident ca pentru modelele 3G, trebuie sa mai puneti ceva din buzunar, astfel ca pentru student abonamentul lunar ajunge la 28$, iar cel business la 33$/luna, avand inclus 100Mb de trafic gratuit.

Cei interesati pot deja face precomenzile pana in data de 15 iunie, desi banuiesc ca nici unul dintre fanii Gugal de pe la noi nu se vor arata foarte doritori! laugh

Un comentariu la „Chromebook in doua arome”

  1. Pentru amuzament, iaca si cateva reactii de pe Tom’s Harware:

    „acadia11 05/12/2011 8:09 PM

    Screw off google, do all evil!!!! Where is the new kid on the block?”

    „kinggraves 05/12/2011 8:30 PM

    See, here’s my problem with Google’s logic. Part of the fee involves service, support, and upgrades. Now, if I terminate the contract, I’m not getting 3 years of service, support, and upgrades, so why would I have to pay the FULL contract? Even at the maximum, the termination fee should involve the price of the machine + the service received thus far, minus what’s already been paid.

    Now, I’ll admit that these contracts are for businesses and education, and part of the contract for businesses requires a minimum purchase of 10, so this contract is for major establishments who can likely commit to the machines for 3 years. Still, the price seems to be insane for a machine that will be outdated sooner than the first year. Google used to be the good guy, but with every step they take, they seem to be getting closer to a worse corporate entity than MS or Apple. I have a feeling that contract will draw the attention of the feds into their business practices.”

    „stm1185 05/12/2011 8:39 PM

    I pity the people forced to use one of those pieces of crap for 3 years because their employer was cheap.

    Atom cpu and an OS that is just a web browser. Those poor bastards!”

    „spcecil 05/12/2011 8:53 PM

    this is by far one of the worst products to come out in recent memory, cost more and does less than even the cheapest pc’s out there, it looks like Google is catering to Americas „Stupid” Demographic with this one.”

    „eddieroolz 05/13/2011 3:08 AM

    Yeah, if I’m going to pay $1008 over 3 years for having a laptop that can do nothing but use the „cloud” then I’d rather spring for a $600 laptop with discrete graphics that can actually do something useful. The other $400 can go towards a nice camera or whatever.”

    „chaos133 05/14/2011 7:52 AM

    Why not just get a $300 netbook instead with Windows 7 Basic? No cloud based OS, no monthly payments, and it’s able to run most programs except for games.”

    „aaron88_7 05/14/2011 9:37 AM

    This will be an even bigger flop than Google TV

    Microsoft sure has nothing to worry about!”

    Sunt doar cateva din comentariile userilor acestui site de referinta in IT si in mare parte reflecta reactia generala. Le’am lasat in engleza ca se pierdea din esenta, pentru cei ce nu o pricep, gugal le sta la dispozitie cu translate, un serviciu la fel de prost cum sunt mai toate in rest laugh

    Deschis la discutii … eu mi’am exprimat clar parerea in articolul despre Cloud Computing, pe care daca ar fi sa o resum, ar suna cam asa:

    habar nu am ce a avut gugal in cap cu tampenia asta, insa in ultima vreme a mers din rau in mai prost … fapt care din punctul meu de vedere … le cam prevede un viitor colaps de toata frumusetea, mai ales ca in ultima vreme pe partea de search si publicitate, serviciile celorlalte companii castiga din ce in ce mai multa piata.


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